
Walk Reduce Diabetes Risk

Walking provides an opportunity to savor the variety. Starting from fitness, increase stamina, prevent osteoporosis. Walking was also able to prevent diabetes.

As reported by the diabetesvic.org.au, a study in Australia indicated that participants who walk between 85 minutes-3 hours per week, may reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 31%. The intensity of running a routine (5 days per week) for at least 3 hours per week can reduce your risk of diabetes in adolescents 31-42%.

Other studies have also shown that active women who do physical activity like walking can reduce your risk of diabetes compared with women who did not

perform physical activity at all.

Walking is also associated with weight loss can reduce your risk of diabetes. Adolescents categorized as overweight or inactive physical activity has a 3 times greater likelihood of developing diabetes than adolescents who had normal weight.

With a 30-minute walk can improve glucose control, which can help your muscles absorb blood sugar and prevents blockage of blood flow. This effect can last for hours or several days, but not permanently so that regular walking is needed to control blood sugar.


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